I met Olivia 2 years ago. Mom, Tanya, had tried chiropractic care for Olivia before but didn’t quite feel like they were in the right place for her specific needs. Curious to learn more, I dug deeper.
Olivia had a very traumatic injury at birth setting off a storm that showed up as a toddler with absent seizures, extreme anxiety, and sensory processing challenges. Noise , lights , and sensory overload. These challenges became so difficult that her and her family had a hard time even leaving the house and adapting to what most would consider simple, everyday life.
Chiropractic was a “piece of the puzzle,” mom said. “We’ve gone for years with Olivia, but we’re not sure we are really making any progress…seizures and anxiety are so bad right now we are having to take her out of school and sports .”
“I’m glad you’ve continued to get her adjusted,” I replied, “when was...
Alright PX crew! The PX Care Plan Builder is active and rocking! But in no way will this stop us from going deeper, analyzing more, and sharing the principles that got us to this point!
So, let’s be honest for a minute. How many of us have had a “gut check” moment when talking to a mom and dad about a 2 to 3 month (or beyond) care plan for their little one? It’s not the easiest thing to explain to a mom and dad the need for a longer and more frequent Care Plan for their under 6 month son or daughter when they are new to chiropractic.
Well, this deep dive is meant to change that! Create that EASE in your certainty and communication. And along with the Care Plan Builder to give you the utmost confidence in walking into that report and having mom and dad leaving feeling maximum confidence. We are letting them know they are in the right place to meet their goals and get them beyond that care plan to lifelong wellness!
Here is...
The absolute top things you want in every single team member are humility, hunger, and then this... the ability to take an idea , project , and important plan you lay out and are excited about... and handle it start to finish quickly and effectively, without hardly needing you at all!
Now for many of us as leaders/owners, we actually have team members who are more than capable of that, and want to... but we are in the way. We think we're "supporting" and "doing our job" with micromanaging and essentially doing it all ourselves anyway . But, we're straight up screwing things up.
That is what managers and dictators do, not leaders.
Leaders set the vision for the plan and project, put the right people in charge, go over the outline and resources needed, and make sure to set the expectations of time , quality, and outcome.
Then, get out the way.
That happened in the best of ways for us this week at PWC and PX with Dr. Matt Hill! For 10+...
Not sure if you've noticed this trend, but currently it seems like all yoga teachers and massage therapists now double down as "life coaches" and counselors. They often do a lot of talking and sharing of various mindsets and principles as they do their thing .
Often times the message floats right on by for me as I've got plenty of positivity and empowerment floating around in my own crazy brain , but this past weekend our rockstar instructor kept talking about the "principle of exchange" and how what you put out into the world , and what you put forth in terms of effort... is exactly equal to what you put back in.
Couldn't agree more.
(And real quick, yes as I approach the old 4-0 my friends... I've "exchanged" a lot of my barbell time for time on my yoga mat instead, living that #lululife I guess!
Alright, let's bring this to your practice and purpose of serving kids , pregnant mamas, and full...
This was straight fire that you'll want to block out time , and watch in full - every single minute!
Dr. Touhill is the Impact, Influence, and Social Media Strategy wizard for Dr. Josh Axe and now Dr. Tony and PWC/PX as well, so his ideas , strategies, and systems don't just have theory to them... they have absolute proof .
On this Facebook Live done in our Pediatric Chiropractic Today Facebook group, they discuss the 3 Steps (and many "essential elements" within those steps) on how to make a Facebook Post Go Viral !
When Levi the Legend's family and story got connected to Dr. Tony, it wasn't just that one awesome element that led to the 54,000 Engagements, 4.1K Comments, and 2.6K Shares and insane Page Growth... it was the fact that the Influence & Impact "pump was primed" and ready to explode BEFORE all this came about!
This level of impact, reach, and life-saving action for kids everywhere is NOT just for Dr. T and PWC... it's absolutely...
Stress, Adaptability, and Technology are the language of today!
Blasphemous title right?
Right now the part of our profession who loves slinging probiotics and slaying primitive reflexes with tiny paintbrushes is jumping for joy at the title of this blog post, while simultaneously the green-jacket-wearing principled portion of it wants to beat me senselessly with a copy of "The Bigness of the Fellow Within" or trap me under a Zenith Hi-Lo table!
Sorry to have roped you all in here, but the topic of this blog and take home point I want to drive home is NOT at all what you think it is with your first perceptions from the title!
I'm not talking about the clinical end of chiropractic here, because if you've been inside of our practice then you know that while we absolutely love and support our patients when needed with healthy living, lifestyle support, or any other host of wellness endeavors... it is NOT even remotely close to the focus of our clinical care programs, which are subluxation-centered, neurologically-focused, and...
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