Raising The Standard For Pediatric + Family Chiropractic


Dr. Tony is taking you thru the 5 different pillars of your career and helping you 'draw the line in the sand' to truly LEVEL UP and raise the standard of pediatric and family chiropractic in your community!

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How Chiropractic Can Help with Energy Drain in Parents!


Has anyone else noticed how stressed parents are in this season? Straight 'wound up and worn out!'

It's wild how, with spring schedules fill up so fast with sports, concerts, and end-of-school-year events without anything else dropping off.

I am not calling out anyone on here. We are the caregivers, but holy moly, what a shift!

Parents know to work out more, sleep earlier, and eat better, but the time variable cuts into decision-making.

But how awesome is Chiropractic - that it takes 5 minutes to get adjusted and refuel! 
The most efficient and timely answer for parents to handle stress better! Especially if they are already driving to our offices with their kids!

Huge conversation to have here, especially when looking at sEMG scans!

For this week's Teaching Tuesday ‍I wanted to talk through the massive energy drain our parents are experiencing…how we can see it, talk about it, and help fast!

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Care Plans Create Miracles!

As Pediatric + Family Chiropractors, our number one responsibility is to help our patients achieve optimal health outcomes and meet (or surpass) their goals!

When you break it all down, one could easily argue that your Care Plan has more to do with your Adjusting Technique.

Yes, as chiropractors, we have a generations-long obsession with battling over whose technique is better, yet this truth remains — they all work.

But no matter which technique or how proficient and skills you are at it, it won't work if your Care Plan recommendations are weak and don't provide enough frequency and duration to bring about full + complete neurological restoration and recovery.

The truth about Care Planning reveals itself most clearly when working with tougher neurodevelopment cases such as Autism, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Seizures, and so forth. In this world, it's clear that a Care Plan that starts at 2x per week needs to be a thing of the past, just like dial-up phones and...

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Stop ๐Ÿ›‘ using the words "Muscular and Tension" in your sEMG communication.


Now, this may sound harsh, but I promise you there is a better way!

In this teaching ‍ case study , we chat about an 8-year-old girl who is on the spectrum and struggling with high energy , poor coordination, and a very rev'd up sensory system.

I'll talk through how we communicated for it, care planned for it, and table talked during it. Focusing on energy, input to the brain, coordination, and response... all WITHOUT having to talk about tension and muscular stress.

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5๏ธโƒฃ Things We (chiros) Should NOT Run In Our Practice

1. Scheduling
2. Financials
3. Scanning
4. Operations + Systems
5. Marketing

Obviously, life is different as a startup chiro, and you need to be, should be, and can be wearing many hats in that short season of practice.

But even a startup office should have at least one CA running the show-up front with the schedule, financial conversations and systems, etc... and then as you keep growing, you keep hiring.
Simple. As. That.

As you grow in practice volume, you need to grow in business + leadership understanding... and, most significantly, the art of delegating .

Few things hold this profession back more than the "do it all ourselves" and "micromanaging/perfectionism" aspects that so many get entirely consumed by!

Let's all work on this together! The path through this all is not easy, but it is attainable. And life for ALL is freaking fantastic on the other side!

Want to know how I get so much done ? I don't. But together, we all sure do!

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โ€œIf can help even one family, it will be worth it.โ€

People are wired to help other people. And yes, society can give us many reasons to become skeptical of the help offered, especially in our world of Perfect Storm cases that have been through hell and back. They’ve tried every therapy, various procedures, meds…you name it.

We sometimes used to say that we should answer the phone with “welcome to the last resort” because we knew that families had likely exhausted every option before they got to us, but the tide has turned.

An incredible by-product of the care and healing that our patient's experience is the empowerment they feel and their love of chiropractic. This is how we create chiropractic evangelists. I have yet to meet a mom whose child was healed that didn’t want to share their experience. They’re ready to shoot it from the rooftops.

This incredible mom, Nicole, shared her son Cole’s story for the first time at the Perfect Storm a few weeks back. They started as an Intensive family...

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3 Tips to Effectively & Efficiently Communicate with Your Team


Team is everything.

Communication is everything.

So that means communicating with your team is everything.

This is a must-watch! 

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Let's Get Comfortable with Having Financial Conversations ๐Ÿ’ต

For nearly 7 years, I have been a Care Advocate. From Day 1, part of my daily role in serving our patients has been communicating with patients about money. Even if they do not present financials on Day 2, CA's need financial communication training.

At every Team & Leadership event we host, CA's complete a questionnaire to help us understand their challenges (and opportunities). The number one item shared with us is CA's desire strategies and resources to help them be more effective and less stressed regarding financial patient interactions.

We dig into this deeply within our membership; Bi-Weekly live team training and our CA Momentum Course. And even then, we find that no matter how much we train in this topic, they are hungry for more.

Interestingly, docs also express that they want their CA's to take over being the financial communicators in their practices but are worried about a dip in the quality of the communication or conversion.
These 4 essential strategies help teams...

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How do you pivot you voice to kiddoโ€™s that may have โ€˜lesser challenges'?


We spend much of our time talking, training, and working with kiddos on the Perfect Storm

One question we commonly get is “How do you pivot your voice to kiddos that may have ‘lesser challenges.’”

Dr. Jacobe Holman and I tackled this answer on our PX Clinical Call today - and we wanted to share it with you all as it all comes down to one of the coolest core principles of Chiropractic.

D.D. Palmer said it best ,

"I desired to know why one person was ailing and his associate, eating at the same table, working in the same shop, at the same bench, was not. Why? What difference was their in the two persons that caused on to pneumonia, typhoid or rheumatism, while his partner, similarly situated, escaped? Why? This question had worried thousands for centuries and was answered in September , 1895."

It all comes down to adaptability.

Embrace meeting that mom where her kiddos are. And then, grow with both sides of your practice. A Perfect Storm Miracle side AND...

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Who's Ready - Club Wide PX Call - March 27th 7PM on Zoom

Can't wait to unleash this next Monday night!

If you're an active member of Club PX (students) or the PX Membership, keep an eye out in your email inbox for the Zoom Link!

As millions start to head our way, it's more important than ever that we each have a deep understanding of:

  • Chiropractic Science , Art, and Philosophy (principles)
  • Clinical Excellence (what it takes to get real results)
  • Branding, Marketing, + Communication (with clarity and confidence)
  • World Class Business Systems + Patient Experiences (leveling up our location, layout, team, systems, all of it)

It's go time for this tribe and this profession!

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