Care Plans Create Miracles!

As Pediatric + Family Chiropractors, our number one ☝️ responsibility is to help our patients achieve optimal health outcomes and meet (or surpass) their goals!

When you break it all down, one could easily argue that your Care Plan has more to do with your Adjusting 🙌 Technique.

Yes, as chiropractors, we have a generations-long obsession with battling over whose technique is better, yet this truth remains — they all work.

But no matter which technique or how proficient and skills 🗡️ you are at it, it won't work if your Care Plan recommendations are weak and don't provide enough frequency and duration to bring about full + complete neurological 🧠 restoration and recovery.

The truth about Care Planning 🔢 reveals itself most clearly when working with tougher neurodevelopment cases such as Autism, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Seizures, and so forth. In this world, it's clear that a Care Plan that starts at 2x per week needs to be a thing of the past, just like dial-up phones and fax machines.

For real Peds + Family Chiros, if you want to truly Experience Miracles ✨ in your practice with case after case, kid after kid... turn your focus 💯 to the 'art' of Care Planning and the communication skills required to get parents on board with what their child needs.

If you need help in this area of practice, reach out. Our PX Pediatric + Family Certificate of Proficiency Course is the ONLY course out there teaching Care Plans that are adapted + updated to what the neuroscience 🧠 and practice-based experience shows us is truly needed today.

We're here for you so that you can be there for them!

Care Plans Create Miracles ✨


50% Complete

Two Step

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