Let's Get Comfortable with Having Financial Conversations πŸ’΅

For nearly 7 years, I have been a Care Advocate. From Day 1, part of my daily role in serving our patients has been communicating with patients about money. Even if they do not present financials on Day 2, CA's need financial communication training.

At every Team & Leadership event we host, CA's complete a questionnaire to help us understand their challenges (and opportunities). The number one item shared with us is CA's desire strategies and resources to help them be more effective and less stressed regarding financial patient interactions.

We dig into this deeply within our membership; Bi-Weekly live team training and our CA Momentum Course. And even then, we find that no matter how much we train in this topic, they are hungry for more.πŸ’ͺ

Interestingly, docs also express that they want their CA's to take over being the financial communicators in their practices but are worried about a dip in the quality of the communication or conversion.
These 4 essential strategies help teams have incredible success in this area…
CA's are trained by Financial CA's with a high skill level, empathy, and conversion. Frequent and in-depth training to stay sharp is ESSENTIAL for the whole team.

Allowing for development time, skills are built over time, and success with conversions may not be immediate. Do not wait for perfection. All CA's on the team must understand that some degree of financial communication is essential to their role. Converting happens when we layer connections and information together.

Talk down all teachable moments and follow up. Trainers must be in a safe space to ask questions. CA's must not feel expected to "know everything" or that they are a failure if a patient does not sign up right away. Help CA's learn how to push past the "squirm" 😳 they feel as if they are honing their skills.
Connection to and understanding of "The Why" behind what we do is the foundation of everything.

When CA's know why our care is different, why we Care Plan, and who we do it for, nothing can hold them back from converting.

Every Care Advocate I have ever interacted with has wanted excellence in every aspect of their role with their wholeπŸ’— heart. LET'S HELP THEM DO THAT!

-Jacqui πŸ’—


50% Complete

Two Step

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