5️⃣ Things We (chiros) Should NOT Run In Our Practice

1. Scheduling 📅
2. Financials 💰
3. Scanning 💻
4. Operations + Systems ⚙️
5. Marketing 📣

Obviously, life is different as a startup chiro, and you need to be, should be, and can be wearing many hats 🎩 in that short season of practice.

But even a startup office should have at least one ☝️ CA running the show-up front with the schedule, financial conversations and systems, etc... and then as you keep growing, you keep hiring.
Simple. As. That.

As you grow in practice volume, you need to grow in business + leadership understanding... and, most significantly, the art of delegating 🙌 .

Few things hold this profession back more than the "do it all ourselves" and "micromanaging/perfectionism" aspects that so many get entirely consumed by!

Let's all work on this together! The path through this all is not easy, but it is attainable. And life for ALL is freaking fantastic 🤩 on the other side!

Want to know how I get so much done ✅? I don't. But together, we all sure do!


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