3 Major Branding Mistakes Most Kid Chiros Make

As chiropractors we spend so much time sorting out and choosing our primary adjusting technique 🙌 , and we wear that title with such pride that we mistakenly try and take it 'outward' to our community. What do I mean by that? I mean this stone cold reality is true - less than .1% of your community cares what technique you use my friend. 

I've found that the vast majority of chiropractors are absolutely freaking phenomenal at adjusting 🙌 (albeit not all by any means), but really terrible at the topic of this email -- brand positioning. 

Read thru the 3️⃣ Major Brand Mistakes that most Pediatric Chiropractors make, and then be sure to check out the end of the email 📧 where you can get clear direction on what brand position you DO want to take... if you want to make massive impact on kids 👶 and families in your community, and have a wildly successful 🔥 at the same time!

Mistake #1 - Thinking 'Family'...

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What Drives You? Purpose Before Profits 💰


This is a quick-hitter blog post, designed to refuel or recenter your purpose - depending on where you currently are in this conversation! 

Look, making a massive income and taking tons of vacations are freaking great. But if that is your primary purpose, then every single mom and dad in your community will sniff that out in a hot second and NOT bring their kids to see you. 

If you want a thriving Pediatric, Prenatal, and Family Practice then you've got to get your priorities and purpose in the right order. 

If you got into this primarily to make a ton of money and have a ton of time off, then PI and Peripheral Neuropathy are for you - not Peds and Family.  

Enjoy this 90-second "rant" my friend we pulled out from one or our Tuesday PX Membership Zoom Trainings! 

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Output = Input

Not sure if you've noticed this trend, but currently it seems like all yoga ‍ teachers and massage therapists now double down as "life coaches" and counselors. They often do a lot of talking and sharing of various mindsets and principles as they do their thing 😝 . 

Often times the message floats right on by for me as I've got plenty of positivity and empowerment floating around in my own crazy brain , but this past weekend our rockstar instructor kept talking about the "principle of exchange" and how what you put out into the world 🌎 , and what you put forth in terms of effort... is exactly equal to what you put back in. 

Couldn't agree more. 

(And real quick, yes as I approach the old 4-0 my friends... I've "exchanged" a lot of my barbell 🏋‍ time for time on my yoga ‍ mat instead, living that #lululife I guess! 😝 )

Alright, let's bring this to your practice and purpose of serving kids 👶, pregnant mamas, and full...

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We Have Momentum, Let's Go!

Perspective matters.
When I first made our lead specialty caring for and serving #PerfectStorm kids (Autism, ADHD, SPD, OCD, ODD, Anxiety, Epilepsy, Special Needs, etc.) the #1 Goal parents had for our care was getting their child OFF of drugs and medications .
By the time they called us or attended the Perfect Storm Workshop and signed up, they saw us as the "Last Resort" -- having seen every "specialist" in the medical system. NOW, however... the #1 Goal is entirely, awesomely different!
TODAY the #1 Goal nearly 90% of our new #PerfectStorm patients have is to PREVENT their child from having to go on medications!
They are awesomely, rightfully terrified of it not working and of the litany of side effects that come with it .
Parents of this generation have completely shifted the pendulum and their thinking , giving things "natural" and drug-free a full run FIRST!
Now, while this is insanely good news, we are anything but...
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Chiropractic is Enough, But Adjusting is Not

Blasphemous title right?  

Right now the part of our profession who loves slinging probiotics and slaying primitive reflexes with tiny paintbrushes is jumping for joy at the title of this blog post, while simultaneously the green-jacket-wearing principled portion of it wants to beat me senselessly with a copy of "The Bigness of the Fellow Within" or trap me under a Zenith Hi-Lo table!  

Sorry to have roped you all in here, but the topic of this blog and take home point I want to drive home is NOT at all what you think it is with your first perceptions from the title! 

I'm not talking about the clinical end of chiropractic here, because if you've been inside of our practice then you know that while we absolutely love and support our patients when needed with healthy living, lifestyle support, or any other host of wellness endeavors... it is NOT even remotely close to the focus of our clinical care programs, which are subluxation-centered, neurologically-focused, and...

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Automation is BS

Here are things we love like nothing else in life: 

  • Free time, family time and vacations with our kids 
  • Date nights and long walks just us 
  • Working on the farm (mowing, caring for the animals, etc.) 
  • Reading a good book in our cozy living room 

So, a few years back when we were moving our practice's branding and marketing message heavily online, we were easily marketed to ourselves. Anything and everyone that promised us "plug and play" and "easily automated" forms of getting our message out to the community, we didn't even think... we just bought and signed up for any and all of it! 

And then, we experienced what we're sure 95% of you have too... NONE of it worked. 

It was BS.  

Every marketing system and software we brought into PWC was either so off brand that we just couldn't possibly release it, OR we had to spend so much time editing and re-doing, that we easily could've saved time and money just doing it ourselves from scratch. 

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