Communicating Hope

“When will Kelly start talking?” The question hit me like a ton of bricks. Kelly, now a 6 year old, had been under care for the last year and a half. Mom and dad received her Autism diagnosis at 3, and started searching for anything and everything that could help.
Through a friend's invite they attended the Perfect Storm workshop and started with a 6 month long restoration plan the next week. Much of her sensory, behavior and sleep challenges were incredibly improved and she remained consistent with care continuing to get adjusted at 2x a week…but that final goal on her intake. Speech. And we're still not there. "What do I say? How do I say it?" I thought to myself. What is mom going to accept, how do I encourage, and be realistic?
Kelly’s mom had been to all our workshops, adjustment after adjustment of “table talk” and was as Chiropractic’ally educated as any! She knew that we do not “treat” the...
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Adaptability is the Language of Today - Can You Speak It?


Stress, Adaptability, and Technology are the language of today!

Don't believe us? Check in with Tesla, WHOOP, Garmin, Apple Watch, any number of meditation ‍ apps , your local hot ‍ studio... and see if they are in GROWTH mode or on the struggle .
Therefore, if you position your chiropractic practice right where it belongs, OWNING the conversation around Stress, Adaptability, Neurology brain , etc... you too will be on growth mode!
And then, back it up by using the latest, best technology ‍ to SHOW your patients their functional, objective, neurological , adaptive changes with the Insight! Talking about it is nice, BRINGING ABOUT IT is the game-changer.
 In contrast, stay stuck on the spine or symptoms and you'll be seeing the world and impact pass you by!
Want a quick look at how we do it each day in our practice, watch this one minute sneak peek from our PX Clinical Zoom Training yesterday where we share on an case and talk about how we have the...
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We Have Momentum, Let's Go!

Perspective matters.
When I first made our lead specialty caring for and serving #PerfectStorm kids (Autism, ADHD, SPD, OCD, ODD, Anxiety, Epilepsy, Special Needs, etc.) the #1 Goal parents had for our care was getting their child OFF of drugs and medications .
By the time they called us or attended the Perfect Storm Workshop and signed up, they saw us as the "Last Resort" -- having seen every "specialist" in the medical system. NOW, however... the #1 Goal is entirely, awesomely different!
TODAY the #1 Goal nearly 90% of our new #PerfectStorm patients have is to PREVENT their child from having to go on medications!
They are awesomely, rightfully terrified of it not working and of the litany of side effects that come with it .
Parents of this generation have completely shifted the pendulum and their thinking , giving things "natural" and drug-free a full run FIRST!
Now, while this is insanely good news, we are anything but...
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Chiropractic is Enough, But Adjusting is Not

Blasphemous title right?  

Right now the part of our profession who loves slinging probiotics and slaying primitive reflexes with tiny paintbrushes is jumping for joy at the title of this blog post, while simultaneously the green-jacket-wearing principled portion of it wants to beat me senselessly with a copy of "The Bigness of the Fellow Within" or trap me under a Zenith Hi-Lo table!  

Sorry to have roped you all in here, but the topic of this blog and take home point I want to drive home is NOT at all what you think it is with your first perceptions from the title! 

I'm not talking about the clinical end of chiropractic here, because if you've been inside of our practice then you know that while we absolutely love and support our patients when needed with healthy living, lifestyle support, or any other host of wellness endeavors... it is NOT even remotely close to the focus of our clinical care programs, which are subluxation-centered, neurologically-focused, and...

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The Wrong Path - Part Two (The One Thing)

"Oh man we miss coming to see you Dr. Tony, but don't worry... we still do everything you taught us to do. We eat healthy, take our vitamins, never take the flu shot, and are keeping up with all our OT appointments for him!" 

My heart ♥  sank. 

Out of all the words that mom said to me when she spotted me at the local Dolphin Swim Club where our kids took lessons, I only heard one - everything. Obviously, there was one thing missing - coming to see me, aka getting their family adjusted still.

I'm so thankful for that day and for seeing Cyndi. Her words carried so much weight and provided me so much clarity that I've carried with me into everything we do to this day. 

Here I was a Pediatric Certified Chiropractor, and this family took many valuable health-promoting lessons from me during their time under care, just not the ONE that I should've been most obsessed with. Man those "should've" moments in life can be the best lessons, if we shut up, listen,...

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The Wrong Path - Part One (Back Pain Bob)

It was my very first month of practice, and I could not wait to sprint home and tell Kristina (my wife) the good news! I had just made an unreal community connection and professional partner with the Director of a local gym, and I was so certain it was going to be insanely fruitful for the growth of our new practice and a prime spot to do talks and screenings for New Patients! 

This wasn't just any gym folks, it was THEE gym in Crystal Lake. It was huge, beautiful, fancy, and always busy. It was the "Cadillac" of gyms, run by the local hospital group that dominated health care in our community. 

Which is perhaps the reason I was so insanely stoked about this connection -- not a single chiropractor had ever been able to infiltrate this premier gym, because it was medically-connected. But there was a family connection to the gym's boss lady through my wife, and also it turns out her kids were heading off to chiropractic and acupuncture school, because through their...

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Something Has Got to Change

This past week has been straight crazy, filled with reflection for Tony and I. A lot of questions, a lot of soul searching, and a lot of worry…but only by me, Tony doesn’t worry. Like ever. 

We knew the path was going to be different but we didn't know how or what until we stopped trying to make it about ourselves and make it about pediatric and family chiropractic. It was at that moment that the ideas came flooding in and the path became so freaking clear!

It’s so clear, it’s almost surreal we didn’t see it sooner. The path to take pediatric chiropractic to more kids and families is by realizing no one owns it. The more we try to protect it for ourselves and our own gain, the more we suffocate it. “You can’t be in growth and protection at the same time” Bruce Lipton is something from the very start of our journey that I say to myself often when I get scared making business and life decisions.

Funny how that same quote made...

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