Your STORY is your MISSION, and it’s where the world needs you the most!

Over the last 8 years, I have told my son's chiropractic story hundreds, possibly even a thousand or more times. I’m so used to telling it that sometimes I genuinely wonder if people want to even hear it anymore.

This week on our Tuesday training, I featured his story when teaching on the Power of Wellness and the long game with chiropractic. I couldn’t help but get a little choked up when I looked at the zoom screen and saw his “after” picture. ♥️ Hoping that at least one of the people on live and listening after the fact would be inspired and encouraged by what they heard.

Yesterday, during an Immersion with a Patient Care Coordinator who was training with us, she mentioned the Tuesday training and asked me how many lives I thought I had changed in all the years, telling his story. It stopped me dead in my tracks. I had never thought about that. I just keep telling it, trying to reach one more person.

She went on to share that a new team member who had never heard his story before was inspired and that it led them to have a conversation with someone in their office who needs more care more consistently.
We may occasionally become a little weary when we are out there pounding the rock 🪨 , sharing chiropractic, and telling every story of triumph, but that is the exact thing that makes the biggest impact!

Your STORY is your MISSION, and it’s where the world needs you the most!


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