What do Your Reviews Say About You?

Yesterday, we had 11 patients respond to our review requests indicating they had a great experience.

11, in 1 day.

Why does this matter?

According to a report published in 2021, 99.9% of consumers examine online reviews prior to becoming a customer. That figure is up from 85% in 2018. Furthermore, 60% of consumers also feel that the number of reviews a business has is a direct reflection on the brand quality.

The report findings also shared another important consideration: 49% of consumers trust online reviews just as much as they trust a referral from a friend or family member.

In PX, this week we trained SKED and how it has directly impacted our growth and the level of service we provide to our patients. Each one of these review requests went out automatically after an appointment without our CA team initiating it.

Now think about how you can 10X that by using SKED and your well-trained team of CA Hope Dealers to follow up on those requests!!!

What do your reviews say about you?

-Jacqui 💗


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