We Will Make It Through The Storm

From Jacqui...

I had one of the most challenging conversations in practice yesterday. The kind of conversation that sticks with you forever. The kind that you remember being on the other end of before chiropractic. And you remember the hell that it was back then. When you were just a desperate mom looking for help with your kid, you didn’t know what chiropractic could do.

It’s wild how each day inside these walls feels more like a divine appointment than a job. And that’s because it is. It is that and more for all of us in this profession. Our experiences, stories, and lives are colliding together in a Perfect Storm that will change this world through chiropractic!

We’re going to make it so that no mom ever feels like she has been abandoned by a society that doesn’t want to see their mess or care about their struggle.

We will have the hard conversations about progress not being where we wanted it to be when a kid is struggling under care. We’ll listen and not dismiss when a mom says she’s on the brink.

We’ll pivot and take action on a new plan when a patient shows us they need that from us.

Because at the end of the day, this is about them, not us.

What do they need? How can we meet them where they are? How can we come alongside them and resist the urge to say it will be easy? Instead, we dare to acknowledge things when they are challenging and be sure they will be worth it.

Because it will be worth it. Every bit of the hard WILL. BE. WORTH. IT.

I know this because I have lived it and seen it every day since I dedicated my life to saving kids and families through chiropractic.

Chiropractic doesn’t just work sometimes. It works EVERY. DANG. TIME. But if we want chiropractic to work, we have to do the work too.



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