The Trifecta Of Financials

This week we revisited one of our favorite types of training, Game Tape.

There is just something extra special about being able to witness 👀 real-life communication in action.

While there are some nuances we can be aware of that help us to become better at presenting financials, the trifecta of basics always stays the same.

We love to show these examples to reinforce why these strategies work!

  1. Preparation is everything
    Creating the care plan ahead of time, understanding the goals for care, and going into the ROF with a warm transfer of information from the reporting doc is the best setup for success.
  2. Present in the spirit of serving, not selling
    As financial presenters, we are the trusted guide to educate, guide and set up the practical aspects of the patient's care. We serve, not sell.
  3. Great follow-up 📞 is the most overlooked aspect of conversion

Some families do not sign on Day 2; this can happen for many reasons outside our control. That does not mean they are not all in!!!! It's our responsibility to follow up and tgo hrough. This part of our experience MUST BE congruent with all other process aspects.

Excellence follows up. ✅

There is such great flow, connection, and fun when we follow these simple strategies and stay connected to the why of what we do/who we are in every part of the experiences to create. This includes financials!



50% Complete

Two Step

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