The Nastiest + Most Destructive 😡 Component of Subluxation for Kids


When you look 👀 deep into what subluxation does to the nervous system, you can organize it into three sequential, detrimental components:

1. Increased Tension (sympathetic fight/flight dominance)
2. Exhaustion (parasympathetic fatigue)
3. Confusion (incoordination)

The longer subluxation is left in a developing child's nervous system, the further down the road it gets... creating the 3rd + worst component of subluxation — confusion and incoordination.

Dr. Stephenson knew that this was indeed the final, negative neurological outcome for subluxation, so "The Chiropractic Textbook 📗 " primarily refers to subluxation as incoordination repeatedly.

In this video 🎥 Dr. Tony breaks down precisely what that confusion 🫤 and incoordination component does to the health of a developing child and why the 3rd component of the subluxation is the worst component that sets in over time.


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