The Moment Your Stop Learning, You Stop Leading

This season, we have focused on adapting to new systems and onboarding crucial responsibilities for different team members.

It has been such an important reminder that with growth, comes change, but it has also an even better reminder that the best teams are lifelong learners.

Sometimes, when we become skilled at certain aspects of our roles, we can get a little fancy🀩, or even gasp…think we are now exempt from being able to or needing to keep learning.

And that is when the demise starts. ⬇️ There is no such thing as arriving, no such thing as being exempt.

There is no such thing as “knowing all there is to know,” no matter how “great” you are at something. When this happens, we’re in the “me zone” and not the “them zone,” our patients.

In everything we do, we must focus on being the best we can FOR THEM. They need that from us. When we do this, we are relentless with it and make it THE PRIORITY πŸ™Œ everything else flows as it should.
Eagerness to learn/ and row and genuine excitement to do so are a core part of the culture at PWC. We get to work at this and strive to employ fit further as we onboard anyone new to the team to a new role or skill.

And we are creating more incredible patient experiences, have more synergy and more connectedness than ever because of it.

Hungry, Humble, and Heart-Centered will always be THE WAY!


50% Complete

Two Step

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