The Mindset to Creating Miracles!

The two most important things we do in practice are to create incredible patient experiences and miraculous clinical results.

When we are relentlessly obsessed with these two things, we will always be updating our systems that help to create them.

And while we know this, it can still feel daunting or spark πŸ’₯worry for our teams when we make necessary updates or changes.

We must do it anyway.

Instead of being stuck in all that can go wrong, we have to be focused on what can go right.

There is almost nothing more important than a solutions-based mindset on a team. And the solution doesn’t have to have 0 cons in order to be worth trying.

One thing I have always loved πŸ’— about moving quickly with updates is that you also learn quickly if they are serving you or not. I am so thankful for that.

We have no time to waste in the miracles we create. The tomorrow our patients are praying for is too important for that!

-Jacqui πŸ’—


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