The Facts About Firing People


Leadership can be a challenging and rewarding experience, but one of the toughest aspects of the job is firing team members.

While it's an unpleasant task, firing someone who is toxic to your team culture can lead to massive growth almost immediately.

The problem is that we often wait too long to make this tough decision, fearing that we won't be able to replace their productivity.

In this blog post, we'll break down why waiting to fire someone can be detrimental to your business, and why high performers who are driven by ego and insecurity can hold your team back. Join us as we dive into this challenging topic and share some real-life lessons from Dr. Tony on how to handle firing someone on your team.

Let’s just get right down to the facts and truth about firing people from your team:

  1. Yes, it sucks and is one of the worst parts of your job as a leader, but holy heck, does it create massive growth 📈 almost instantaneously
  2. Typically, the person who needs to get fired is one of your top performers (using traditional KPIs and performance metrics)
  3. Typically, the reason a person deserves to get fired is almost 💯 due to how toxic and terrible they are to team culture.

Breaking down #2 is perhaps the most important one to really dive deep on with this real life; learned the hard way lesson… so I’m actually going to start here. Nearly every single one of us waits FOREVER to fire this person because when we look at the stat sheet and financials… we mistakenly think, “How will we ever replace this person and their productivity?”

Well, you know who else is thinking that exact same thought 💭 every darn day — the egotistical, insecure, narcissistic a-hole who needs to get fired yesterday!

Here’s the cause of this nasty condition that shows up in EVERY organization — high performers are driven by one of two things:

  1. Humble, heart-centered, mission-minded confidence and purpose
  2. Insecurity and ego

When they are driven by #2, their day-to-day actions all center around holding others on the team back and keeping them down so as to protect their artificial position of importance and significance.

This is WHY the entire business explodes the moment you fire this person — because finally, everyone else on the team can breathe and has room to grow and get better, which is what they love to do!

Watch this video 🎥 to dive deep into these real-life lessons from Dr. Tony, who is just like you… has waited way too long to fire some of these people as well and paid the price! You seriously want to watch this one all the way through, as very few people tackle this topic as honestly and strategically as this video does!


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