People will NEVER forget how you made them feel.

Next week we have a young man who has been with us for 7 years wrapping up his care due to his family moving away. The news of him leaving made me wax a little nostalgic.😔 I wrote these words two years ago and they still ring true. I hope they always do.

Whenever we get an email with a cancellation attached, regardless of the reason, it stings. We’ve all felt it, that pit in your stomach while reading it and thinking about the loss of chiropractic from their life. With genuine care, comes the concern, the sting is unavoidable.

The truth is people cancel things all the time. Things they enjoy, things they value, things that positively impact their health. Money 💰 (or lack thereof), time, travel and changes in the relationship are all reasons why.

***“People will always remember how you make them feel.”***

This is the number one thing I remember when someone stops.
Even if they are unable or unwilling to see why chiropractic care is so crucial in their lives they will definitely remember how they were treated on the way out.

Secondly, I wholeheartedly put a deposit down mentally and emotionally that they’ll be back. Contrast is a powerful thing!!! As much as it sucks for people to stop, it can be the catalyst ⚡️ that makes patients come back and stay forever after that.

Some days there will be some stings but MOST days there is lots of sweet to go with it.

***Leave people better than you found them, hug them on the way out, and swing that door wide open when they come back!
-Jacqui 💗


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