Parents Are Taking Notice! πŸ‘€

There is something special about this time of year. We reflect, plan, prepare and we move forward. πŸ™Œ

And so do our patients and future patients.

We all plan for something to be different and for our lives to be better than they were before.

This message came in on the day of our annual planning meeting from an intensive mom. I love how direct and on purpose she is, she gets it. And she knows that there are millions of other parents out there just like she used to be, who don’t know about us, yet.

But they need to know. And they need us within Pediatric Chiropractic at our freakin best.
I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what the experience she outlined means for them, the families we serve and hope to serve ✨and how it can guide us within PX & Pediatric Chiropractic to be the best we can be.

And while the details, systems and how to’s are important, the fundamentals that keep us grounded and connected to our path forward are wonderfully simple.

Here’s the trifecta that, if we get it right, will create the best 2023 possible….
1. Worldwide impact is a “WE thing”
2. Make it better

Every. Kid. Counts. Who’s in?


50% Complete

Two Step

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