Our Minds Have the Best Hype Game📢

Good or bad, our minds have the best hype game. 📢 They can hype us into moving fast and forward or not doing anything.

We recently got a report of bad weather coming❄️ and got messages from the registered attendees for our workshop asking for virtual, so they didn’t have to wait until the next event.

No family is going to go without Hope Dealing on our watch.

We quickly pivoted. We wrote copy for new texts and emails to go out to registrants, connected with them and blasted our whole patient list invites. We created a new registration landing page for sign-ups and set up a Zoom, and within 2 hours, we had already sent three new patients that called in the link to attend.

We now have a phenomenal Virtual Perfect Storm with eager families ready for Hope, Answers, and Help.

Whenever the question pops into your head, can we do______?

Yes, you can. Anything can be done with the right Who’s, excitement, and some good old-fashioned hustle!💪


50% Complete

Two Step

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