"I didn’t know chiropractic could help with that"

One of the things we hear very often during the CA session is…”I didn’t know chiropractic could help with that”.


This statement always gets me super excited. Hearing those words lets me know that we are about to leap into a whole new world for them, their certainty, their communication, and how they serve their community.

Does your team know what chiropractic can do?

It sounds like a simple question, but in all seriousness, I don’t think it’s something we are asking or addressing nearly enough in our profession. If we want our teams to be their best at dealing HOPE as they can be, they need 3 essential things from us to lead them there.

1. Education

We need to ensure that our teams have access to (and are regularly engaged in) comprehensive training about the Power of Chiropractic; let’s help them geek out with us about the science, the 10 D’s and The Perfect Storm. They need to understand why neurologically based care is different, why we scan and what we’re looking for. They need to know why we aim to move patients off of symptoms and on to function/ adapting, why we don’t do the same things that many other offices do. They must know why we are all cash and why a robust care plan is the best thing for the patient's outcome. They must know why we don’t say words like crack, pop, “as needed” or talk about care like it's a one time event better yet, they need to know that care has an end point at all!!!

2. Inspiration

Is sharing patient wins a primary focus of communication in your office? Is your team able to connect to what these wins net in terms of quality of life for families? Do they understand the lengths many families have gone to to find help before finding your office? Sharing and celebrating patient stories, goals for care, and wins MUST be a central focus in our practices. The biggest chiropractic evangelists and best CA Hope Dealers come from practices who are inspired by and connected to the WINS!!!

3. Action

If we want to take on more complex cases with more depth and bigger wins than before, then we need to walk our talk!!!! Do WE BELIEVE AND KNOW THE WHYS? Do we care plan for our team??? Are we connected and mentoring with teams who are living this out in their practices? Are we training? Are we growing? Are we relentless in providing our communities with the highest standards of excellence in our clinical care?

It truly starts with US! Best part of all…making these things happen, learning and growing together is an absolute🎉freaking blast!! Let’s bring about having abundant JOY and FUN in our joint mission! 

If this sounds like something you'd like more of..you'll love what we have going on in PX, join us!✨


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