Educational Video Content Wins on Connection Not Engagement


We need to step back and not always focus on the numbers that Facebook is telling us.

And here's why...

If you are rocking it with testimonials πŸ“, baby pictures πŸ‘Ά , and reels πŸŽ₯ and loving those engagement numbers, make sure you're also adding in those small drips of education content too.

Parents need to see the explanation of how we can help will...and they will tell you about it when they come in! Seriously!

We used to do this in "not so small" drips with webinars πŸ’» and longer online presentations (old school right πŸ˜‚), but shifted to shorter whiteboard videos, and parents now frequently reference these videos on the  1st phone calls or on Day 1!

If you are struggling with content, all you need to do is break down every slide, snippet or core point from your live workshop or long-form webinar you "retired" from service and use that as a stand-alone "quick share." for your audience.

In fact, to make it even easier you can go live from zoom πŸ’» to share a 5 min explanation of a slide.

Organic traction on Facebook and Insta 🀳can leave my head spinning 😡‍πŸ’« as we don't get "as good" of engagement on any of our educational content as we do the Reels, Testimonials and Baby pics. (but obviously, right! πŸ˜‚)

Don't let this discourage you! πŸ’ͺ

Let the fun marketing ATTRACT and then have the small educational content to ENGAGE and be the "pre-education" for the moms and dads who need more!
Here's an example of a slide I took out of our Perfect Storm πŸŒͺ talk, edited a bit, and shared!


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