True Humility is Not Thinking Less of Yourself it's Thinking of Yourself Less

True Humility is Not Thinking Less of Yourself it's Thinking of Yourself Less - C.S. Lewis

We all know story after story of someone who achieved some measure of success in practice, business, life, status, money 💰, etc... and almost as quickly as they got there, things fell apart. Their business went to crap 💩, family life fell apart, or all over the above.

Most often, in these cases, the person had plenty of hustle, hunger, and motivation 💪 in the world to be successful... but for the wrong reasons.

They wanted to achieve success to fuel their ego further and improve their own life rather than help transform and improve the lives of others first and foremost.

Or even those who initially had the right intentions ended up trapped by their success and achievements. Sadly it's easy to do because perhaps the riskiest place to be is comfortable.

This is exactly why we love our PX Tribe, and we work hard to ensure that everyone who comes on board with this mission + vision is in it for the right reasons... and then STAYS on purpose each + every day!

Yes, indeed, each of us is driven to be successful and build a heckuva life for our own families, but that's because we're so incredibly obsessed with FIRST doing all we can to transform and improve the lives of millions of kids 👶 + families worldwide through Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care!

If you're reading this and you've chased and achieved all the measurable "stats" of success common to chiropractic (# of visits per week, collections 💰 , etc.), and you still don't feel fulfilled or on purpose, don't sweat 😥 it doc — you are not alone.

Find your true purpose and passion ♥️ once again with PX, where serving kids + families is truly 💯 our daily fuel ⛽️ and always will be!


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