Just How Important is it to Hire "A-TEAM" Players?

Two years ago, we increased our commitment to hiring only A players on our team by 10x. Like many other lessons, this is one we learned through experience.

Waiting too long to hire or fire can create a situation where hiring A-Team players is not our top priority. We might find ourselves using words like "for now" and "make it work" frequently in our vocabulary, which can be harmful. πŸ’£

We must put an end to this.

This morning, I heard a mind-blowing statπŸ“ˆ. For every high-performing "A" player on your team, their mere presence increases the other team members' performance by 15%.

On the other hand, for every lower-performing "B" team member, they lower the other team members' performance and energy by 🫣 30%. So, not only does that "make due" person perform less, but they also bring everyone else's performance down as well.

Now, considering how crucial it is, hiring and retaining your A team should be a top priority.

πŸ’— - Jacqui


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