5 Extra Doses of Truth About How Social Media + Content Marketing

Alright, Peds + Family Chiros, it’s time for an extra dose (or 5) of truth about how social media + content marketing 📣 really actually works today and what it takes to succeed in this space.

If you’re a practicing chiro like me, every inbox you have is constantly being hit up by supposed “expert” social media + content marketers that “specialize” in chiropractic.

Here’s the first truth you need to know (and hopefully already do) — 99.9% of them are full of 💩.

Even the ones who have all the math 🧮 and stats to back up their work and tell you how many New Patients they generate through their done-for-you social media content, emails 📧 , or Facebook Ads forget to mention one key 🔑 fact — they’re all low-quality back + neck pain patient.

Until PX+ came around, not a single crew out there had really mastered the art of creating content specifically curated for moms 👩 , helping build your brand and generate real results for a principled, subluxation-based, pediatric, and family practice.

Lesson #1 — be very careful ⚠️ who you learn marketing from. Social media and online marketing can either build your badass brand or destroy it.

Then from there, #2 + #3 on this list go hand in hand. Summarizing it into one statement, it’s probably best said the way Alex Hormozzi does, “Consistent Quality Content Wins.”

You’ve got to have both — consistency and quality.

Back before, iPhones had 4K cameras, and technology (Canva, Creator Studio, AI, etc.) made it so easy not just to create content but also post it. You could win pretty much by just showing up every day and posting at least something.

Now though, quality ⭐️ matters more than ever.

And lastly, if you want to not only thrive in this space but survive and have longevity (aka NOT burnout 🥱 )… then you need to hire, build, and create a badass Team + Systems to not only help you create + post the content initially, but then repurpose it and get the most mileage out of every single video 🎥 , blog, article, testimonial, and so forth!

If you know that it’s truly the headspace 💭 , time ⏰, team, and system ⚙️ that’s been holding you back or limiting your practice growth via social media marketing… then send us an email ([email protected]) and ask about our brand new company, PX+ — the Pediatric Chiropractic profession’s greatest Content Marketing Factory 🏭 ever built!


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