3 Tips for Adjusting Infants

Dr. Tony's 3 Tips for Adjusting Infants:

  1. Take it way easy early on 🧘‍♀️
  2. See them with much higher frequency 🧮 early on (1-2x per week does not cut it for today's subluxated child)
  3. Don't add anything else (probiotics, tongue 👅 tie talk, etc.) early on

The neurology of the tiniest little ones we see in practice is the most 'fresh' and, in many ways, simple to work with. But that also means it's the easiest to overwhelm.

If you add in too many adjustments 🙌 per visit early on, or bring a bit too much 'oomph" to the adjustments... you may overdo it.

You'll often make a super light, tonal adjustment to these little ones who are in the middle of the screaming + colic storm... and you'll doubt if you did enough. You did. Trust it. Be patient. You can always add more on the next visit.

Focus on adding more ease into their delicate nervous systems, be persistent (care plan 🔢 frequency), and be patient. Do NOT get into nutritional changes, probiotics, and tongue 👅 tie conversations too early into the care plan.

It's been my experience after nearly 15 years of helping care for thousands of infants with Pediatric Chiropractic that if you hit the majors (adjustments) at just the right spot and with just the right touch 🙌 , nail the care plan just right, and do not "scatter" the healing by "mixing" in tons of other stuff... 90% of cases will never need any of that other stuff to get full resolution and healing anyways!


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