3 Key's To Communicating + Analyzing Kids + An sEMG!


sEMG 📊 is my favorite scan view to tie together a kid's struggles and subluxation!

So, I wanted to share my 3️⃣ favorite keys to help you communicate to parents and look deeper clinically.

1️⃣ Energy = afferent signals to the brain 🧠 → and the Brain 🧠 responds according to the energy it receives.

Noise 💥 in noise = Noise 💥 out

It's exactly why hyperactivity, focus, and high emotion are struggles in subluxated kiddos.

2️⃣ Subluxation confuses the motor/movement system → this is found in the symmetry and organizational numbers.

This confusing input is the brain 🧠 trying to make sense, balance, and compensate to try and work around subluxation.

3️⃣ The "dips" and " tired " areas within the overall pattern show us chronicity.

When we put this data together with Story and Table Checks, they often show a Primary Subluxation pattern that needs to be cleared first.3 🔑's to communicating and analyzing Kids and an sEMG!


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