Explode 🔥 Your Pediatric & Family Percentage in a Simple, Subluxation-Based Model You Will Absolutely Love 🙌 ! 

Pediatric Chiropractic Made Simple Workshop

Learn the 3 simple, sequential steps every chiropractor can take to explode 🔥 their Pediatric & Family side of the practice! Hosted by Dr. Tony Ebel, Expert in Principled & Powerful Pediatric Chiropractic & Life University CE Instructor

Get an unfair advantage with the blueprint for pediatric practice growth... like you've never seen before.

You Already Have All the Tools You Need to Make Miracles ✨ Happen

This webinar will show you step-by-step how powerful and impactful a subluxation-centered practice model is 💯 on its own for kids and families! No primitive reflexes, vision 👀 testing, integrative therapies, or nutritional intervention needed. CHIROPRACTIC IS ENOUGH!